Blog#104 – Running in Circles

Blog#104 – Running in Circles

Dear Readers, Who amongst you is old enough to remember a UK number one hit from 1982 called Happy Talk? I remember it well. I have sung those lyrics to my kids more than twenty years after it was released because they’re catchy and they are meaningful. If you don’t...
Blog#101 – Present for You

Blog#101 – Present for You

Dear Readers, Thanks for the hugely supportive response to my last blog. I’m sorry that I haven’t replied to all of you yet – I promise I will get to it soon. My head has felt like the circus came to town over the past couple of weeks and it’s had me jumping through...
Blog#99 – Desperately Seeking

Blog#99 – Desperately Seeking

Dear Readers, It’s been two months since I last wrote. I’m hoping life hasn’t been half as challenging for you during this time as it has been for me. If it has, then I’m sorry and I hope you’ve been getting the support you need. Whatever has been going on for you, I...
Blog#84 – On Being Ordinary

Blog#84 – On Being Ordinary

Greetings from the west coast of Australia where the cold of winter is creeping into my bones. I hope that, wherever you are in the world right now, you are taking good care of your bones ‘n all. Follow this link to my YouTube channel if you prefer to listen instead....
Blog#74 – Core Values

Blog#74 – Core Values

Hello again! I hope 2023 is going well for you, so far. Welcome back to my blog (and my recording for those who prefer to listen), and a special welcome to those of you who have recently subscribed. I’ve been really touched by some of the messages I’ve received from...
Blog#71 – This is Me!

Blog#71 – This is Me!

Welcome back to my blog. Listen here if you prefer. Thanks to those of you who took the time to share your feedback on my last blog. It’s always uplifting to know that my insights are of value to others. State of anxiety This week I’m in a state of hypervigilance as...