My blog

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Blog#104 – Running in Circles

Blog#104 – Running in Circles

Dear Readers, Who amongst you is old enough to remember a UK number one hit from 1982 called Happy Talk? I remember it well. I have sung those lyrics to my kids more than twenty years after it was released because they’re catchy and they are meaningful. If you don’t...

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Blog#103 – Showing Up

Blog#103 – Showing Up

Dear Readers, Welcome back to my blog. I hope you’re all keeping well. Here's the link to the audio version. Winter has got a firm grip on us here in Australia which is welcome by many as it brings desperately needed rain! But for me personally, well, I’m not cut out...

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Blog#102 – Attention, Seekers!

Blog#102 – Attention, Seekers!

Dear Readers & Listeners, What a difference a scraggly little piece of punctuation can make to the meaning of a couple of words, eh! Thanks for joining me today as I continue my quest to live a simpler, more peaceful life without the need to alter the state of my...

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Blog#101 – Present for You

Blog#101 – Present for You

Dear Readers, Thanks for the hugely supportive response to my last blog. I’m sorry that I haven’t replied to all of you yet – I promise I will get to it soon. My head has felt like the circus came to town over the past couple of weeks and it’s had me jumping through...

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