Blog#91 – Not Dead Yet!

Blog#91 – Not Dead Yet!

Hello, my awesome readers and listeners (follow this link to listen instead). I hope the fact that you’re tuning in today is a sign that you’ve taken some time to be kind to yourself. Taking a breather is important for our overall health, but especially for the peace...
Blog#90 – Up To Ninety!

Blog#90 – Up To Ninety!

Hello, my loyal friends and subscribers. I hope this finds you well. I simply couldn’t resist giving this week’s blog the title that I did because it accurately captures the moment. Follow this link to catch this as a vlog instead. I’ve reached the big 90 in blogs,...
Blog#88 – An Cailín Dána

Blog#88 – An Cailín Dána

Dear Readers, I hope this finds you well. Those of you who follow my fortnightly blog closely will have noticed that I didn’t send one out last week. I had been away for the weekend with himself, walking barefoot on a sandy beach, shrieking playfully every time the...