Blog#105 – A Conundrum Solved

Blog#105 – A Conundrum Solved

Dear Readers, Since my last blog I’ve been living the dream, as I said I would. I hope you have too. Follow this link to listen to me reading this blog if that’s your preference.  I’m excited to be over 20,000 words in already; that’s almost five chapters of the...
Blog#101 – Present for You

Blog#101 – Present for You

Dear Readers, Thanks for the hugely supportive response to my last blog. I’m sorry that I haven’t replied to all of you yet – I promise I will get to it soon. My head has felt like the circus came to town over the past couple of weeks and it’s had me jumping through...
Blog#95 – Out of this World

Blog#95 – Out of this World

Dear Readers, Thanks for taking the time to give some of your valuable attention to my latest ponderings. Follow this link if you’d prefer to listen. It might have to be brief today as I’m low in energy because of the dreaded Corona virus. It has taken a lot out...
Blog#91 – Not Dead Yet!

Blog#91 – Not Dead Yet!

Hello, my awesome readers and listeners (follow this link to listen instead). I hope the fact that you’re tuning in today is a sign that you’ve taken some time to be kind to yourself. Taking a breather is important for our overall health, but especially for the peace...
Blog#90 – Up To Ninety!

Blog#90 – Up To Ninety!

Hello, my loyal friends and subscribers. I hope this finds you well. I simply couldn’t resist giving this week’s blog the title that I did because it accurately captures the moment. Follow this link to catch this as a vlog instead. I’ve reached the big 90 in blogs,...