Blog#92 – Spiritual Awareness

Blog#92 – Spiritual Awareness

Dear Readers, As we leave behind the cold of winter and enter into the growth of spring here in the southern hemisphere, I am acutely aware of the absolute beauty of life. Everywhere around me, things are coming to life. My garden is bursting with colour, especially...
Blog#91 – Not Dead Yet!

Blog#91 – Not Dead Yet!

Hello, my awesome readers and listeners (follow this link to listen instead). I hope the fact that you’re tuning in today is a sign that you’ve taken some time to be kind to yourself. Taking a breather is important for our overall health, but especially for the peace...
Blog#90 – Up To Ninety!

Blog#90 – Up To Ninety!

Hello, my loyal friends and subscribers. I hope this finds you well. I simply couldn’t resist giving this week’s blog the title that I did because it accurately captures the moment. Follow this link to catch this as a vlog instead. I’ve reached the big 90 in blogs,...
Blog#86 – Looking Back

Blog#86 – Looking Back

Hello and welcome to my latest blog. I trust, because you’re here reading or listening to my ponderings today, that you’re taking some time to care for yourself. That’s important. Like they say on airplanes, always fit your own oxygen mask first as, without it,...
Blog#85 – Hard of Heart

Blog#85 – Hard of Heart

Greetings from the cold and damp Australian suburbs. Thanks for bringing your warmth to this week’s blog, my heart appreciates it. Follow this link if you’d prefer to watch or listen to the spoken word instead. Life has a way of reminding us of the mistakes we’ve made...
Blog#83 – Celebrate Good Times!

Blog#83 – Celebrate Good Times!

Welcome to Celebrate Good Times, my 83rd blog. Follow this link to watch or listen instead. We’ve just marked four years since we took the pledge not to let alcohol mess with our lives any longer. The last time my husband and I had a drink was on Mother’s Day 2019...