Blog#101 – Present for You

Blog#101 – Present for You

Dear Readers, Thanks for the hugely supportive response to my last blog. I’m sorry that I haven’t replied to all of you yet – I promise I will get to it soon. My head has felt like the circus came to town over the past couple of weeks and it’s had me jumping through...
Blog#99 – Desperately Seeking

Blog#99 – Desperately Seeking

Dear Readers, It’s been two months since I last wrote. I’m hoping life hasn’t been half as challenging for you during this time as it has been for me. If it has, then I’m sorry and I hope you’ve been getting the support you need. Whatever has been going on for you, I...
Blog#98 – The Invitation

Blog#98 – The Invitation

Dear Readers, Your responses to my last blog were heart-warming and I am very grateful to you all.  I’m still making my way through some of them, apologies that it’s taking me so long to write back. I hope you’re finding ways to make space for your self-care, no...
Blog#93 – My Uncurated Life

Blog#93 – My Uncurated Life

Dear Readers, I’m so glad you decided to give me some of your time today. If you’d prefer to watch or listen to me read my latest blog then please follow this link. I hope you’re keeping well. The world is a mess right now. It would be easy to fall into a...
Blog#82 – Coming Unstuck

Blog#82 – Coming Unstuck

Welcome back to my blog. Hope you’re doing OK. If you’d prefer to listen you can follow this link, and for something different I’ve recorded a video of me reading it – a chance for you to put a name to a voice. See if you agree with my husband who is...
Blog#73 – Glass Half-Full

Blog#73 – Glass Half-Full

Welcome back to my blog, the last one for the year. I hope you had a lovely Christmas. Here’s the link to the audio version for those of you who prefer to listen to me reading it. A very special welcome to those of you who’ve recently subscribed after The Irish Times...