Blog#89 – A Warm Hug

Blog#89 – A Warm Hug

Greetings from Perth where winter still permeates the air even though the bright Aussie sun is shining. I will not be fooled! I am still wearing layers of clothing and using a hot-water bottle at night! Meanwhile, over in Ireland, I’ve read that its been the...
Blog#88 – An Cailín Dána

Blog#88 – An Cailín Dána

Dear Readers, I hope this finds you well. Those of you who follow my fortnightly blog closely will have noticed that I didn’t send one out last week. I had been away for the weekend with himself, walking barefoot on a sandy beach, shrieking playfully every time the...
Blog#86 – Looking Back

Blog#86 – Looking Back

Hello and welcome to my latest blog. I trust, because you’re here reading or listening to my ponderings today, that you’re taking some time to care for yourself. That’s important. Like they say on airplanes, always fit your own oxygen mask first as, without it,...
Blog#85 – Hard of Heart

Blog#85 – Hard of Heart

Greetings from the cold and damp Australian suburbs. Thanks for bringing your warmth to this week’s blog, my heart appreciates it. Follow this link if you’d prefer to watch or listen to the spoken word instead. Life has a way of reminding us of the mistakes we’ve made...
Blog#82 – Coming Unstuck

Blog#82 – Coming Unstuck

Welcome back to my blog. Hope you’re doing OK. If you’d prefer to listen you can follow this link, and for something different I’ve recorded a video of me reading it – a chance for you to put a name to a voice. See if you agree with my husband who is...
Blog#78 – The Truth That Set Me Free

Blog#78 – The Truth That Set Me Free

Hello! I hope you’re doing OK. Here’s the link to the audio version of this week’s blog if you’d prefer to listen. Sober reading When I stopped using alcohol to cope, I channelled my energy into something healthier instead – learning about the human mind. A few...