Blog#89 – A Warm Hug

Blog#89 – A Warm Hug

Greetings from Perth where winter still permeates the air even though the bright Aussie sun is shining. I will not be fooled! I am still wearing layers of clothing and using a hot-water bottle at night! Meanwhile, over in Ireland, I’ve read that its been the...
Blog#87 – Looking For Answers

Blog#87 – Looking For Answers

Hello friends and subscribers. Thanks for joining me here today to read my latest blog. I hope it gives you some food for thought.  Follow this link for my video recording if you prefer to listen. This week I’m thinking out loud. I’m trying to pick apart the big...
Blog#78 – The Truth That Set Me Free

Blog#78 – The Truth That Set Me Free

Hello! I hope you’re doing OK. Here’s the link to the audio version of this week’s blog if you’d prefer to listen. Sober reading When I stopped using alcohol to cope, I channelled my energy into something healthier instead – learning about the human mind. A few...
Brain In Focus

Brain In Focus

Do you ever feel as though you’re on a treadmill that’s programmed by a higher power to incline and decline, and all you’re required to do is go with the flow? You struggle on the inclines but enjoy the easier pace of the declines and give thanks for the fact that...