Blog#94 – Flamboyant & Flawed

Blog#94 – Flamboyant & Flawed

Hello and welcome back to my blog. Follow this link to listen to a recording if that’s your preference. I would love to think that you’re all doing OK, managing as best you can in the way only you know how. That’s kind of what it’s all about. Off to a great start On a...
Blog#89 – A Warm Hug

Blog#89 – A Warm Hug

Greetings from Perth where winter still permeates the air even though the bright Aussie sun is shining. I will not be fooled! I am still wearing layers of clothing and using a hot-water bottle at night! Meanwhile, over in Ireland, I’ve read that its been the...
Blog#85 – Hard of Heart

Blog#85 – Hard of Heart

Greetings from the cold and damp Australian suburbs. Thanks for bringing your warmth to this week’s blog, my heart appreciates it. Follow this link if you’d prefer to watch or listen to the spoken word instead. Life has a way of reminding us of the mistakes we’ve made...