Blog#97 – Love is….

Blog#97 – Love is….

Happy St. Valentine’s Day to You. It’s been two months since my last blog because I had to contend with the ups and downs of a busy life hence why this is the first blog of 2024. I’m doing my best to get back on track. Before I share my latest insights with you,...
Blog#77 – Airing My Dirty Laundry

Blog#77 – Airing My Dirty Laundry

Welcome back to my blog. Here’s the link to the audio version. I hope things have been going OK for you. In our house, things have improved considerably thanks to talking and listening to one another about our feelings, especially in relation to the tragic death of...
Blog#69 – Blooming on the Inside

Blog#69 – Blooming on the Inside

Welcome back to my blog. Here’s the link to the audio version if you prefer to listen. Hope you’re OK. Thanks for the feedback on my last blog entitled Growth in which I shared my concerns about the suspected skin cancer on my back.  Well, I’m delighted to tell...
Still Inside

Still Inside

His Holiness The Dalai Lama There’s no point in pretending that everything is tickety-boo when it clearly isn’t.  I don’t know how many times this past week my throat has tightened, my heart has almost exploded, and I’ve felt as though the only thing to do was scream...