Blog#97 – Love is….

Blog#97 – Love is….

Happy St. Valentine’s Day to You. It’s been two months since my last blog because I had to contend with the ups and downs of a busy life hence why this is the first blog of 2024. I’m doing my best to get back on track. Before I share my latest insights with you,...
Blog#85 – Hard of Heart

Blog#85 – Hard of Heart

Greetings from the cold and damp Australian suburbs. Thanks for bringing your warmth to this week’s blog, my heart appreciates it. Follow this link if you’d prefer to watch or listen to the spoken word instead. Life has a way of reminding us of the mistakes we’ve made...
Blog#73 – Glass Half-Full

Blog#73 – Glass Half-Full

Welcome back to my blog, the last one for the year. I hope you had a lovely Christmas. Here’s the link to the audio version for those of you who prefer to listen to me reading it. A very special welcome to those of you who’ve recently subscribed after The Irish Times...
Clutter Brain

Clutter Brain

View from my kitchen window that inspired this blog post During this past weekend, while many of you were off out, hopefully enjoying fun and games, I was at home confronting an almighty mountain of stuff that we, as a family, have been hoarding. The photo I have used...