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Clutter Brain
View from my kitchen window that inspired this blog post During this past weekend, while many of you were off out, hopefully enjoying fun and games, I was at home confronting an almighty mountain of stuff that we, as a family, have been hoarding. The photo I have used...
Labelled with Love
My daughter is at the age now where she is being impressed by designer labels and influenced by the endless stream of subtle marketing coming at her on every screen she looks at. I’ve never been a fashion victim, nor have I succumbed to the belief that wearing labels...
Brain In Focus
Do you ever feel as though you’re on a treadmill that’s programmed by a higher power to incline and decline, and all you’re required to do is go with the flow? You struggle on the inclines but enjoy the easier pace of the declines and give thanks for the fact that...
Due Date
Me at my best It’s funny how days become weeks and weeks become months that can fly by unnoticed if we’re not careful. This is why I do love a milestone to help me to see how far I’ve come and to focus my mind for a moment on where I am headed. When I embarked on my...