Blog#82 – Coming Unstuck

Blog#82 – Coming Unstuck

Welcome back to my blog. Hope you’re doing OK. If you’d prefer to listen you can follow this link, and for something different I’ve recorded a video of me reading it – a chance for you to put a name to a voice. See if you agree with my husband who is...
Blog#80 – Wonder Down Under

Blog#80 – Wonder Down Under

Hello and welcome to this week’s blog. I’m excited to have reached number 80 – it looks and feels like a milestone in my blogging career. Thank you for your encouragement and support. Without you, my readers, listeners and subscribers, I don’t think I’d have the same...
Blog#79 – Running Away is Easy

Blog#79 – Running Away is Easy

Welcome back to my blog. Here’s the link to the audio version if you’d prefer to listen. Hopefully you’re doing OK and treating yourself with the kindness you deserve. Please be aware that this post contains details about suicide and might be distressing to some...
Blog#77 – Airing My Dirty Laundry

Blog#77 – Airing My Dirty Laundry

Welcome back to my blog. Here’s the link to the audio version. I hope things have been going OK for you. In our house, things have improved considerably thanks to talking and listening to one another about our feelings, especially in relation to the tragic death of...
Blog#76 – Raging Tears

Blog#76 – Raging Tears

Hello, and welcome back to my blog – follow this link to the audio version if you prefer to listen. I hope you’re doing well. Keeping the past behind closed curtains I’ve been grappling with hard stuff. It’s been sneaking out from behind the heavy velvet...