Blog#82 – Coming Unstuck

Blog#82 – Coming Unstuck

Welcome back to my blog. Hope you’re doing OK. If you’d prefer to listen you can follow this link, and for something different I’ve recorded a video of me reading it – a chance for you to put a name to a voice. See if you agree with my husband who is...
Blog#71 – This is Me!

Blog#71 – This is Me!

Welcome back to my blog. Listen here if you prefer. Thanks to those of you who took the time to share your feedback on my last blog. It’s always uplifting to know that my insights are of value to others. State of anxiety This week I’m in a state of hypervigilance as...
All Change

All Change

The other night my son went to get an ice cream from the freezer in the garage. I figured it was best to keep such treats as far from reach as possible. I only found out about this when my husband went to fetch a screwdriver the next morning. He found the freezer door...