My Journey to the Summit

My Journey to the Summit

I remember a particular experience I had a couple of years ago at the end of a yoga class when we were lying down in Savasana pose. Out of nowhere, I felt tears rolling down my face, dropping onto the floor beneath my head, while a heavy sense of foreboding took hold...
A Year in Blogland

A Year in Blogland

I’ve just returned from a week by the sea where I got to recharge my almost-depleted battery and read a whole book all to myself. I’ll share the title with you as I do believe it is a good ‘un. The Dictionary of Lost Words by Pip Williams is beautifully written and...
No Vice in Miami

No Vice in Miami

It’s the end of yet another school term, and we’ve taken off to spend a week at a friend’s beach house. There is something very calming about walking barefoot along the sandy shores as the waves gently wash away the worries we brought from the city. We hadn’t had a...
One Year Sober

One Year Sober

For as long as I was drinking to excess, I wondered what it would feel like to be completely sober for a whole year. I had done many the stint of abstinence and completed a couple of one-hundred-day challenges over the years, but it never felt as though l was giving...
Caving in

Caving in

Vulnerable kitten in Bangkok If you’ve been following my story these past months, the title of this week’s blog might have you worried. Today marks eleven months since the first day of my journey into sobriety (May 13th 2019) and it has been a little bit of a...