Blog#100 – For Crying Out Loud

Blog#100 – For Crying Out Loud

Dear Readers, I can’t quite believe that this day has come. Not only am I publishing my 100th blog, but more importantly, I am celebrating five years since I stopped drinking. If you’d like to listen to this instead of reading (it is a long one today!), then...
Blog#92 – Spiritual Awareness

Blog#92 – Spiritual Awareness

Dear Readers, As we leave behind the cold of winter and enter into the growth of spring here in the southern hemisphere, I am acutely aware of the absolute beauty of life. Everywhere around me, things are coming to life. My garden is bursting with colour, especially...
Blog#89 – A Warm Hug

Blog#89 – A Warm Hug

Greetings from Perth where winter still permeates the air even though the bright Aussie sun is shining. I will not be fooled! I am still wearing layers of clothing and using a hot-water bottle at night! Meanwhile, over in Ireland, I’ve read that its been the...
Blog#74 – Core Values

Blog#74 – Core Values

Hello again! I hope 2023 is going well for you, so far. Welcome back to my blog (and my recording for those who prefer to listen), and a special welcome to those of you who have recently subscribed. I’ve been really touched by some of the messages I’ve received from...
Blog#72 – Christmas Presents

Blog#72 – Christmas Presents

Hello!  Welcome back to my blog, the second last one of the year. It’s a very busy period for many so I appreciate you taking the time to be here today. If you’d prefer to listen as you go then here’s a link to the audio version. Singing with thanks Since last...
Blog#70 – Hard Stuff

Blog#70 – Hard Stuff

Welcome back to my blog. I hope it finds you in a good space with the love and support you deserve. This is the 70th blog that I’ve published (audio blog here) and comes on the back of a milestone in my sober life, that of three and a half years since the first day of...