One Year Sober

One Year Sober

For as long as I was drinking to excess, I wondered what it would feel like to be completely sober for a whole year. I had done many the stint of abstinence and completed a couple of one-hundred-day challenges over the years, but it never felt as though l was giving...
Dining In

Dining In

Have you ever wondered what eating a plant-based diet might do for you? Have you toyed with the idea of eliminating meat, eggs, fish and dairy from your diet in order to find out? If you’ve answered yes to either of these questions, then I invite you to come on a...
The Time is Now

The Time is Now

When I began writing this yesterday, I had just returned from my local supermarket with six loo rolls and a whole load of anxiety. I could sense the foreboding as I drove into the car-park and drove out again due to the lack of parking spaces. I parked in a nearby...