Celebrating my Commitment to Me & Us

Celebrating my Commitment to Me & Us

It was on Mother’s Day 2019 when I decided I’d had enough. I was sick and tired of living my life under a cloud of guilt, regret, and fear. What was I guilty about? I felt guilty for not listening to that part of me that knew better. The part that had been trying for...
Green with Envy

Green with Envy

Those of you that know me will know that my favourite colour is green. I love the fact that there are 40 shades of it too, according to the song written by Johnny Cash during his 1959 trip to Ireland. The shade of green that is my focus today though is my least...
Leap of Faith

Leap of Faith

Do you ever feel as though you’re just drifting through life and wish you could be more like those people you know who are motivated and who achieve incredible things? I do. I sit and watch from the sidelines as friends and family members reach for the stars and have...