Taking Back my Power

Taking Back my Power

I have been completely overwhelmed by the outpouring of support that I received from thousands of people following the publication of my article in the Irish Times last week. This week’s blog is dedicated especially to the many people who took the time to email me to...
Celebrating my Commitment to Me & Us

Celebrating my Commitment to Me & Us

It was on Mother’s Day 2019 when I decided I’d had enough. I was sick and tired of living my life under a cloud of guilt, regret, and fear. What was I guilty about? I felt guilty for not listening to that part of me that knew better. The part that had been trying for...
A Year in Blogland

A Year in Blogland

I’ve just returned from a week by the sea where I got to recharge my almost-depleted battery and read a whole book all to myself. I’ll share the title with you as I do believe it is a good ‘un. The Dictionary of Lost Words by Pip Williams is beautifully written and...
Who cares!?

Who cares!?

No matter how challenging life might be for us, there is always light at the end of the tunnel as long as we still care. A lady in a support group that I belong to recently confessed to me that she ‘just can’t be bothered’. We were talking about our motivation to live...
The Book Cover

The Book Cover

My brain has been reeling from the events that are taking place in the US following the awful murder of the unarmed black man, George Floyd by police in Minneapolis.  While SpaceX was making history with the launch of its Crew Dragon carrying NASA astronauts to the...
One Year Sober

One Year Sober

For as long as I was drinking to excess, I wondered what it would feel like to be completely sober for a whole year. I had done many the stint of abstinence and completed a couple of one-hundred-day challenges over the years, but it never felt as though l was giving...