by Gill Kenny | Sep 21, 2020 | Addict, Addiction, Compassion, Connection to others, Cynicism, Negative mindset, Pain & vulnerability, Trust in relationships
It’s been fifty years since Joni Mitchell’s song ‘The Last Time I Saw Richard’ was released. I became a fan of hers in the 80s and regularly listened to her album Blue as I stared into the depths of my wine glass. The words ‘cynical & drunk’ became stuck in my...
by Gill Kenny | May 11, 2020 | Addict, Addiction, Alcohol & cancer, Anxiety, Attitude of gratitude, Benefits of sobriety, Compassion, Connection to others, Drinking, Empathy, Mental health, Mental health awareness, Negative mindset, Recovery, Self-love, Sobriety, Staying sober, Support groups
For as long as I was drinking to excess, I wondered what it would feel like to be completely sober for a whole year. I had done many the stint of abstinence and completed a couple of one-hundred-day challenges over the years, but it never felt as though l was giving...
by Gill Kenny | Feb 3, 2020 | Addict, Addiction, Alcohol, Compassion, Sobriety, Staying sober
Triskelion: an old Irish Symbol representing the connection between Body, Mind and Spirit Life is full of ups and downs. I got over my recent downer and, like my injured dog, George, who has since been healed, I bounced back into life. So much so that I feel more...
by Gill Kenny | Jan 13, 2020 | Addict, Addiction, Alcohol, Anxiety, Compassion, Sobriety, Staying sober
Dunguaire Castle, Galway Bay, Ireland Last week I wrote about finding my truth and how it is now guiding me to live a life better than before. This week, I would like to share some of that truth with you. Today marks eight months since I began my journey into...
by Gill Kenny | Dec 16, 2019 | Addict, Addiction, Alcohol, Compassion, Connection to others, Freedom, Sobriety, Staying sober
When I was growing up in Ireland, we dreamed of a white Christmas and it came true every few years. If it didn’t snow, then we hoped it would be dry because the ice made for treacherous driving conditions. Bikinis and Santa hats It’s been a long time since...
by Gill Kenny | Sep 30, 2019 | Acceptance, Acceptance & Commitment, Accountability, Addict, Addiction, Alcohol, Compassion, Loneliness, Shame, Sobriety
I’ve recently lost my best friend. We were close for nearly 40 years and I thought I could never live without her. I have been hiding away with my pain since it happened on May 13th this year. I’ve battled with the grief and cried a million tears and only now feel...