Blog#77 – Airing My Dirty Laundry

Blog#77 – Airing My Dirty Laundry

Welcome back to my blog. Here’s the link to the audio version. I hope things have been going OK for you. In our house, things have improved considerably thanks to talking and listening to one another about our feelings, especially in relation to the tragic death of...
Blog#73 – Glass Half-Full

Blog#73 – Glass Half-Full

Welcome back to my blog, the last one for the year. I hope you had a lovely Christmas. Here’s the link to the audio version for those of you who prefer to listen to me reading it. A very special welcome to those of you who’ve recently subscribed after The Irish Times...
Blog#72 – Christmas Presents

Blog#72 – Christmas Presents

Hello!  Welcome back to my blog, the second last one of the year. It’s a very busy period for many so I appreciate you taking the time to be here today. If you’d prefer to listen as you go then here’s a link to the audio version. Singing with thanks Since last...
Blog#71 – This is Me!

Blog#71 – This is Me!

Welcome back to my blog. Listen here if you prefer. Thanks to those of you who took the time to share your feedback on my last blog. It’s always uplifting to know that my insights are of value to others. State of anxiety This week I’m in a state of hypervigilance as...
Blog#69 – Blooming on the Inside

Blog#69 – Blooming on the Inside

Welcome back to my blog. Here’s the link to the audio version if you prefer to listen. Hope you’re OK. Thanks for the feedback on my last blog entitled Growth in which I shared my concerns about the suspected skin cancer on my back.  Well, I’m delighted to tell...
Blog#67: The Colour of a Sober Mind

Blog#67: The Colour of a Sober Mind

Welcome to my 67th blog which I’ve written while listening to the soothing sound of the Indian ocean. It’s the school holidays here in Australia so we’ve taken off to a beach shack where we can kick back for a while and shake off the stresses and strains of a busy...